This Just In

(MONEY Magazine) – -- The number of black students enrolled in college is at a record high -- 1.13 million students, as the New York Times recently reported rather naively on Page One as a sign of progress. Unfortunately, as MONEY documented last December in its prizewinning article ''Race and Money,'' the stark truth is that the percentage of black high school graduates in college -- 30% in 1987, the most recent available statistic -- is still lower than the 33.5% in college in 1976. -- Your bank may not be paying you interest on some of the money in your Super-NOW or other interest-bearing checking account. A small number of institutions have stopped paying interest, typically 5.5% a year, on the first 12% of balances in these accounts, citing a 1980 federal law that requires them to hold an equal amount in reserve. You can find out whether your bank is + among the skinflints by asking a service rep; if it is, consider taking your business elsewhere.