Buy Shoes, Save Money?
(MONEY Magazine) – CONSUMING 41% of Americans surveyed say, "It feels like I'm putting money into savings" when they purchase an item on sale. -1.7% is the U.S. personal savings rate. So while Jimmy Choos feel good, you need a better way. An IRA, perhaps? SOURCES: Boston Consulting Group, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Moneymatics MORE? LESS? WE DO THE MATH. HAPPY YET? Perhaps money can't buy happiness, but it can buy things that make you happy. The question is, where do you get the most bliss for the buck? Moneymatics goes comparison shopping. A NEW $500 PUPPY = Has been shown to lower stress (once trained) + Creates lasting family memories + Can help you make new friends who live nearby A NEW $58,900 SPORTS CAR = Brings status that can fade incredibly fast - Drops a ton of resale value - The Joneses might one-up you tomorrow BOTTOM LINE Buy the puppy, hold the Porsche. For more joy, see page 127. |