Scam Alert
(MONEY Magazine) – • THE PITCH "I have a job that's right up your alley. Before we bring you in for an interview, we'll need to do a background check. Can I get your Social Security number?" • HOW THEY GOT TO YOU You handed them your virtual business card by posting your résumé on an online job site. Sure, legitimate companies can peruse your CV, but so can any schmo who pays the site's fees and says he's a recruiter for Crooks Inc. Once he's in, he may try phishing his way to your SSN, as above. Or if he's sophisticated, he may be able to make do with the bevy of data that's already there--your name, address, phone number, and work and educational histories. • HOW TO FOIL 'EM Use a job site that allows you to hide your contact info, like (employers must click on a link to e-mail you). If you must make your info public, use first initial and last name, omit street address and phone number, and set up a temporary e-mail account that you can close if you get spammed. When you are contacted, don't give out your SSN until you've verified that the recruiter and position are for real. ...Next round's on them Drinkers earn 10% to 14% more than teetotalers, says a recent study from the Reason Foundation. Cheers to that!... |