Service provider |
Suggested tip |
Baby sitter |
One night's pay, plus a small gift from your child. |
Full-time nanny |
One week to one month of pay based on tenure, plus a small gift from your child. |
Au pair |
One week's pay, plus a small gift from your child. |
Day care service |
$25-70, plus a small gift from your child. |
Teacher |
$25-100. A gift certificate is always appropriate. If you know the teacher's hobbies or interests, then a gift certificate would be nice from the local movie theater, hobby shop, mall, fine restaurant or day spa. If you are unsure, ask your principal first. |
Coaches, tutors, ballet instructors, music teachers |
A small gift from your child. |
Childcare, education
Those who have the money for in-home care or tutoring will want to make these service providers feel welcomed and appreciated. If the person providing the service has worked for your family for some time, it's often a good idea to give the tip or gift in person.
A teacher, who instructs your child year-round, will typically appreciate a thoughtful gift during the holidays.

Service professionals share their thoughts and experiences with holiday tipping. ( more)

Money Magazine brings you the best gifts at the best prices at five retailers you can't avoid. ( more)

These toys are all the rage - among children of the obscenely wealthy. ( more)