15 tips for a better business trip
Want to make your travels faster, cheaper, and far more comfortable? We've got the answers.
(Business 2.0 Magazine) - There's just no getting around it. Between deals that must be done, conferences that can't be missed, and blue-chip clients who demand personal attention, traveling seems to be the one constant in our busy lives. Yet the rules of the road are always changing. Consider: Today airfares are rising and big-city hotels are booked solid, but the opposite was true just a few years ago. So what's a seasoned traveler to do? Think different. Want to become a VIP at your favorite hotel? Make the concierge your new best friend. Dreading the London-bound flight in coach? Get business-class treatment at a fraction of the cost.
To find out how you can have a better experience away from home, click here. |