15 biggest job losers
Even as the Fortune 500 racked up astounding profit growth of 335% last year, a whopping 761,422 Fortune 500 jobs were lost to layoffs, spinoffs, and attrition. These 15 companies saw the worst cutbacks.
Jobs lost: 57,700
% drop (1 year): 18%
Remaining employees*: 267,150
Fortune 500 rank: 12
In the midst of the credit crunch, the bank holding company laid off more than 55,000 employees in 2008. Then last year, as it struggled to regain profitability and pay back a $25 billion government bailout loan, Citi cut its staff again by another 57,700 workers. Despite the cutbacks, the company still posted a loss of $1.6 billion in 2009.
NEXT: Time Warner
Last updated May 13 2010: 9:10 AM ET
* Full-time equivalent employees as of the end of 2009