PETA: The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has often used ads with naked celebrities to promote its anti-fur agenda and other animal rights causes.
The ad: In its "Veggie Love" ad for the 2009 Super Bowl, PETA aimed to promote vegetarianism by featuring scantily clad women cavorting with vegetables.
Why it was rejected: NBC rejected the ad because it "depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards," according to a copy of the rejection letter provided by PETA. In the letter, NBC listed eight different acts within the 30-second spot that it found unsuitable for prime time, including "licking pumpkin" and "rubbing pelvic region with pumpkin." NBC spokeswoman Liz Fischer told CNNMoney that "the ad was rejected because it didn't conform with our standards."
Naturally, it can still be viewed on PETA's web site.
NEXT: Mano a mano
Last updated January 25 2011: 3:42 PM ET