Streaming music service Spotify is aggressively making use of Facebook's new sharing options. The app broadcasts every song you listen to into your Facebook contacts' Ticker and adds the list to your Timeline, a new profile-like feature that will roll out in coming weeks. Spotify is one of the first, but far from the only, app to broadcast everything you do: It's an approach Facebook's app makers are ramping up, thanks to recent changes to the site's app permissions rules.
If you don't want Spotify oversharing, there's two ways to turn it off. In the Spotify application, go to Edit -> Preferences and uncheck the box "Get personal recommendations by sending music you play to Facebook's Open Graph."
Alternatively, you can unhook on the Facebook side by going to its "Privacy Settings" -> "Apps and Websites" screen, selecting Spotify, and changing the "Who can see posts and activity from this app?" selection to "Customize" and then picking "Only Me."
NEXT: What your Timeline shares