Editor's Notes
By Hank Gilman/Managing Editor

(FORTUNE Small Business) – I've been getting letters from readers recently giving me the thumbs up on the magazine's fairly new look. Thanks a bunch, folks, but I'd like to take the time to give credit to the proper people: the FSB design team. As always, good things start at the top. FSB art director Traci Churchill has been with Time Inc. for ten years now. As followers of this magazine know, she redesigned it last year and implemented typefaces from two of the world's leading type designers, Matthew Carter and Adrian Frutiger. Traci has also lured Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonists Jules Feiffer and Tom Toles to our pages, and five of her illustration commissions have been award winners.

Traci is ably backed by deputy art director Anne Russinof, who came to us recently after an eight-year tour of duty at Sports Illustrated. A graduate of the Chicago Art Institute, Annie has already made a big impact on our magazine. Check out "Unintended Victims" on page 86. Anne and photo editor Jay Tarrant teamed up on that story of Quincy, Ill., and the small business owners there who believe they have unfairly felt the wrath of government regulators.

Finally, a tip of the hat to assistant art director Mike Novak. (See the Capital Ideas section and the "How to Hire Smart" interview for his handiwork.) Mike joined us in 1997--practically fresh out of California's Art Center College of Design. His New Jersey boss likes to think he brings some "downtown" sensibilities to our team (even though, as Mike points out, many of the illustrators he employs are from Canada).

That's it for this issue. Keep your comments coming to hank_gilman@timeinc.com. We read and answer them all.