By Sasha Smith

(FORTUNE Small Business) – Set out a bowl of penny candy for the kids and buy some good stuff for yourself. Our suggestion--lollypops from See's Candies, the venerable West Coast confectioner founded in 1921 and long famous for its chocolates. Unusually rich and intense, See's lollypops are actually made with cream--it's the No. 1 ingredient. See's has been making them the same way for more than 60 years (which explains not only why they're rectangular but also why the company still clings to the charmingly outdated spelling of "lollypops"). They've always been available in See's stores, and in recent years they've started showing up in specialty food shops and on the See's Website, as the Warren Buffett-owned company tries to expand its reach. These dense, long-lasting sweets are a mouthful--according to See's Willy Wonka-style lab studies, it takes about 40 minutes to polish one off. So if you're not willing to make the commitment, try the company's Little Pops (the same stuff but in smaller pieces and without the stick). Butterscotch and chocolate are the most popular flavors, but our favorite is the cafe latte. Not too sweet, and with a mild jolt of caffeine, it's definitely too good to waste on your neighbor's 9-year-old.

--Sasha Smith; 800-915-7337; $24 for a two-pound, eight-ounce box (about 60 lollypops); available in chocolate, butterscotch, vanilla, chocolate raspberry, cinnamon, sassafras, cafe latte, and an assortment of all seven flavors.