Power Plays
Opportunities abound in energy for new business.
By Julia Boorstin

(FORTUNE Small Business) – THE SUN sheds enough energy on Earth in one minute to meet its energy needs for an entire year. —AMERICAN SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY

APPLIANCES that are switched off but still plugged in account for 5% of U.S. energy consumption and cost consumers $3 billion annually. —LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY

INSTALLING a white roof on a house can reduce the energy needed to cool it by 20%. —FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER

THE 20 STATES that lost 76% of the manufacturing jobs in the U.S. over the past four years also happen to have the technical capability to capture the most jobs from the wind industry. —RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY PROJECT

IF ALL Americans used the most efficient refrigerators, we would need 30 fewer power plants. —ALLIANCE TO SAVE ENERGY