Ford's electric dream van
Beneath the Ford Airstream's retro-futuristic monospace mosh-pit trappings lies Ford's interpretation of the drivetrain of the future. The Airstream uses fully electric drive, with front and rear motors boasting 174 peak horsepower. The electrons can either come out of a big battery, or a smaller one recharged by an engine or a fuel cell.
The Airstream concept carries 14 pounds of hydrogen at 10,000 psi (10 pounds at 5000 psi is more likely for the nearer term) to power a conventional fuel cell. It also carries a plug-in 16-kW-hour lithium-ion battery pack good for 25 miles before the fuel cell stack comes on and runs at peak efficiency, maintaining the battery at between maybe 30-60-percent charge - that's lower than the current hybrids to allow space in the batteries to juice up on cheaper plug power at home. Ugly (with capital 'U') as sin.
: 10:30 AM The recent introduction of the Ford Airstream concept van is truly a breath of fresh air from the Ford Design Group.
: 11:17 AM Alan Mullaly must be "demanding" results rather than expecting results at Ford. Fuels cells, lithium-ion battery packs, cutting edge design ideas....WOW! The green, sustainably designed and engineered car, and an "almost" no emmissions car, will be Ford's salvation. This is a good thing, as Ford is truly America's auto company, and it must survive and prosper. Stan Jasek Muskegon, Michigan 49443 This ain't no Airstream, it's an AirBrick. I want what they were smoking... cause even I can draw a car that will look better than this. What an UGLY BOX...
: 1:39 PM It seems that Ford is out of ideas of how to attract new customers so they turn enviro-friendly: LiIon, Hydrogen, "fully electric", plug-in... all the current buzzwords packed tightly in a now familiar box-car. WOW, what an achievement... What happened to the team that designed streamlined aerodynamic Probe concept series? At least they were on the right track, making the cars easier to push through the air. With this Airstream we are back to the square one, exerting unnecessary energy to push Bricks down the road... i want one in every color.
: 3:46 PM My advice for Ford - ditch the Ford emblem - really says "old-fashioned" and "cheap" to me every time I see it on the street.
: 8:19 AM If it looks like an Airstream, you ought to be able to camp in it. Ford should put a poptop and a tiny kitchen in it, and reclaim the market VW abandoned when they gave up the beloved Westfalia camper to chase Phaetons.
: 8:53 AM Intro it as a hybrid, until the fuel cell is ready. It could be a green Ford flagship, just in time for Generation X (and Y) to show their kids how to get back in touch with the planet...Do it, and I (47 yr. old boomer) will buy one. If this is Ford's future they are done, it is uglier than a Pontiac Aztek and I didn't think that was possible.
: 4:13 PM This appears to be the new "creepy" van, for sleeveless, mustache toting, members of society. Dare I say, "Uncle Rico"...
: 5:25 PM Not very good looking isit
I like it. Make it a weekend camper with lots of DVD/GPS/TV. More streamlined than my VW Westphalia.
: 12:19 AM this looks like a clown car!! but i like the inside
: 1:02 PM Looks better than the Element....
: 9:28 AM uuuuuuggllllyyyyy.
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