Bush and Gore image makers watch The War Tapes
Intense as all the afternoon sessions were today, there was perhaps only one that brought many participants to tears. Documentarian Deborah Scranton screened her unflinching and innovative film, The War Tapes, to a packed crowd, many of whom stuck around for a heated Q&A. On everyone's mind was whether the film - a sort of video diary shot entirely by three soldiers, and directed by Scranton over the Internet -- had in any way been censored. According to Scranton, very little. The interesting thing here, and certainly a testament to the art of the film, is that the audience seemed to come away split over whether the film gave a positive or negative portrayal of the American presence in Iraq. Had we wanted a professional opinion of the political "optics" of the piece, however, we might have quizzed either Mark McKinnon, George Bush's media advisor, or Naomi Wolf, McKinnon's opposite in the 2000 Gore campaign -- both of whom happened to be on hand, though on opposite sides of the room....
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