Verizon limits unlimited wireless
What do you get when you pay $79.95 a month for Verizon Wireless's unlimited broadband? A severely limited service, Joseph Enochs reports at Verizon cancelled one of Enochs's pricey accounts, claiming that he'd sent and received more than 10 gigabytes of data in a month, contrary to its terms of service. But Verizon's own logging software told Enochs he'd only used 2 gigabytes over the past month. More likely, Enochs had violated one of Verizon's other restrictions, which forbid watching online video and using VOIP software -- so no YouTube or Skype, for starters.
"The wireless spectrum is a limited and finite service," Verizon Wireless spokesman Jeffrey Nelson told Enochs. Hmmm. Then why, pray tell, is Verizon promising users "unlimited" service? Techdirt wonders why no one's gone after Verizon for "false advertising," noting that Verizon's restrictions are laid out in the legal materials it sends, not in its splashy marketing. The Browser would really like to upload a videoblog entry or Skype someone to express its outrage, but it seems we're not allowed to. Yes it does beg to ask why no one has called them on that little stickler in their "welcome" materials..... Fortunately I don't use their service....
: 12:40 PM Verizon did the same to me several years back. They advertised (unlimited dialup) then tried to charge me extra when I went over some nebulous amount that I never could nail down. And this was on a $19.99 mo. plan. I dropped them quick and got a new plan for $9.99 a month, and is truly unlimited. Verizons CEO is an A** who will never understand customers. He still is living in the 80's when there was no competition. They WILL put themselves out of business. If you do business with them you have been warned.
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