Why Microsoft can't blog
Microsoft has lost another blogging voice. Niall Kennedy, who joined the company in April, is leaving after less than four months. Why? Kennedy, who was working on incorporating blog-friendly RSS technology into Microsoft's Windows Live online tools, blames the company's "general paralysis." Wall Street's harsh reaction to Microsoft's increased spending on the Web prompted a rethink of the company's strategy, according to Kennedy, and he was unable to hire anyone for his team.
"I could have stayed at Microsoft, waited for the other 85% of the company to ship their products, and then hoped that support for my group might be back on track again, but I didn't want to sit around doing little to nothing until Vista, Office, and Exchange ship," writes Kennedy. "It's easier to get funding outside Microsoft than inside at the moment, so I am stepping out and doing my own thing." A harsh indictment of his former employer, perhaps. But assuming this isn't the first time such a scenario has taken place -- Wall Street hiccups and Microsoft management panics, reorganizes, and puts a freeze on new initiatives -- it's also a telling explanation as to why Microsoft has been so slow to embrace the Internet's opportunities.
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