Apple MacBooks selling fast in advance of an update
AppleInsider has the scoop on the latest Apple notebooks: Expect new MacBooks with faster Intel chips between now and Thanksgiving, in time for the holiday shopping season. Intel is shipping faster chips to Apple, the Mac news site reports, and they should find themselves into souped-up laptops soon. Not that Apple needs the speed boost, it seems: According to AppleInsider, Credit Suisse analyst Robert Semple believes Apple will ship nearly 800,000 MacBooks this quarter, 200,000 more than his initial estimate. With another 250,000 high-end MacBook Pros expected to sell, that puts Apple in a position to sell a million laptops in its September quarter.
The performance bump from new Intel chips should help Apple keep its rapidly improving position in notebook sales. In June, Apple had 12 percent of the U.S. laptop-computer market. "While the company isn't updating its notebooks at the absolute fastest pace possible, it's clear it plans to do so more frequently than in the past," writes AppleInsider. "And it has to, especially if it has ambitions of maintaining recent share gains." I am confident that Apple will meet its projctiv revenue, based on their peroformance last quarter. It's clear that they have been monitoring their competition, yet have faith in their procuct. However, if they are monitoring their competitors, I am sure it is vice versa. Since they have picked-up the pace on the notebook chips last quarter, than they will do better for the last quarter.
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