Disney CEO blabs Apple secrets
Someone's about to get a big frowny-face email from Apple headquarters. Disney CEO Bob Iger, speaking at a Goldman Sachs conference, revealed that Apple's upcoming iTV product, which will connect digital content on your PC with your TV, doesn't just stream programming - it can also store it on a built-in hard drive. That means that Apple's iTV is more than just a "wireless router", but it also sets up the device for controversy in Hollywood. If the iTV can store music and movies, not just rebroadcast them wirelessly to a TV, expect a brouhaha among both studio heads and consumer activists over whatever digital-rights management technology Apple includes.
Iger's revelation also raises questions about what, exactly, the iTV is: A scaled-down Mac Mini? A beefed-up wireless iPod? While you ponder that, we'll leave you with this thought from Valleywag: What, exactly, does the iTV do that you can't already do with a $15 A/V cable from RadioShack? There is one thing it can do that the $15 cord from radio shack can't. Give apple heads another toy to talk about.....
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