Yahoo gets even more social
The Read/WriteWeb blog reports that Yahoo's social-bookmarking website, which already allows users to see each other's favorite websites, is planning to turn itself into a social network. Sounds great, but we'd point out that Yahoo 360 already exists, and Yahoo's Flickr photo-sharing site has extensive friends-and-family social-networking features. And don't forget Yahoo's event-planning site lets you share - can you guess? - plans for upcoming events with your network of friends.
The only way Yahoo could improve on this social-networking mishmash would be to buy blogging-software startup Six Apart, which can't seem to decide whether it wants users to join venerable social network LiveJournal or its newborn Vox network. Personally, The Browser has enough of a challenge maintaining our real-world social network of actual people we see in person; joining all of the social networks Yahoo has on offer seems like a full-time job. Yahoo had a great start and a great run, but unfortunately I see it slipping away into .com obscurity over the next 5 to 10 years. Kind of like Burger King. Their not as fast as McDonalds (Google); not as sinful as Hardees (MS Hotmail); and not an alternative like Arby's (AOL). It just doesn't fit in.
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