Pirated HD DVD flick makes its BitTorrent debut
The first HD DVD movie has showed up on BitTorrent's doorstep. Why is the Browser not shocked that the title in question is Joss Whedon's Serenity, the Firefly movie? Only thieves with massive external hard drives need apply: The movie is 19.6 GB. Here's some of the back story from Ars Technica: This release follows the announcement, less than a month ago, that the copy protection on HD DVD had been bypassed by an anonymous programmer known only as Muslix64. The open-source program to implement this was called BackupHDDVD and was released in a manner designed to put the onus of cracking on the user, not the software. To extract an unencrypted copy of the HD DVD source material required obtaining that disc's volume or title key separately, which the software did not do. However, a key was later released on the Internet, and a method for extracting further keys is allegedly available as well. Oops. So does this mean that Blu-Ray, which is supported by Apple (AAPL), Dell (DELL) and Panasonic (MC), is tougher to crack and will have a competitive edge over HD DVD, the standard backed by the likes of Toshiba, Microsoft (MSFT) and Intel (INTC)? Or is there a pirated Blu-Ray flick coming soon to a PC near us? There is a pirated Blu-Ray flick coming soon to a PC near us.
: 4:54 PM Actually, this is good news for HD DVD and bad news for Blu Ray. What this probably means is that there's more interest in HD DVD
: 5:11 PM Is there a chance to download an HDTV trailer on the Internet to a harddrive to see the differnce between HDTV and regular DVD?
: 6:33 PM It has nothing to do with more interest in HD DVD. It's simply HD DVD being first to market, and currently having more purchased units than Blu-Ray!
: 6:42 PM Yeah more interest because HD-DVD is much cheaper, not because its protection has been cracked. If anything, the movie industry will now shun HD-DVD (but I doubt Blu-ray will remain uncracked for long.)
: 7:45 PM
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