Green giants
In its going green package in the April 2 issue, Fortune identifies 10 companies that are going beyond what the law requires to operate in an environmentally responsible way.
What companies did we miss? Should your employer have made the list? There is a wonderful book that will be released April 3rd called �World Inc.: When It Comes to Solutions � Both Local and Global � Businesses Are Now More Powerful Than Government� written by environmental business expert Bruce Piasecki. The book is available at
: 12:38 PM A review by Corporate Responsibility Officer Magazine notes, �World Inc. is a manifesto for the corporate responsibility revolution. The book�s heroes are �social response capitalists,� examples of which include leaders at GE, Toyota, HP, S&P, Whirlpool, Tom�s of Maine, Innovest and Suncor.�. Learn more at, And a recent review by Publishers Weekly stated, �In his optimistic account, Piasecki, an environmental consultant, identifies a new consumer expectation: that corporations have social obligations.... Piasecki provides some insight into a successful corporation's shift toward social response capitalism through innovation and leadership.... Each of its three sections is fodder enough for a book." World Inc. examines how fifty-one of the world's top 100 economies are now corporations, and more than 40% of world trade now takes place within multinationals. In the book Piasecki presents social response leaders as he confronts the issue: �As power moves into the hands of corporations, the world is looking to business instead of government to solve its problems�. His response: �The corporations that can best address social issues by creating superior products will thrive and profit in this new world.� With insight from firms like HP, Suncor Energy, Whirlpool, Tom�s of Maine, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Toyota, Innovest and others, Piasecki�s World Inc. is the social and business guidebook to how leading businesses are growing revenue while going green. To learn more on World Inc. see To learn more about executive workshops on green growth contact and see Companies Solar Enertech (SOEN) in China have done very well to keep costs of market entry extremely low and as a result are winning business due to a lower cost structure. They have also initiated projects with Shanghai University to involve academics in an R&D process that benefits everyone. The problem is not just global warming, but also oil dependence. Integration of solar power into corporations (Building Integrated Photo Voltalics), residences (tasteful roof systems) and stationary solar charging stations for potential electric cars will all ease the burden on the power grid and will all additionally contribute to reduced carbon emissions. Use the increased solar effect on the earth directly back at the issue. The payback period is reducing due to lower costs delivered by companies like Solar Enertech and increased efficiences driven by wide spread joint R&D projects. Government can help with increased subsidies and thus corporations will begin to greatly reduce their operating costs and reduce their contribution to emissions. Individuals will reduce their electric bills and feed the grid for a potential income stream and auto makers will see the critical mass neccessary to provide for cost effective large scale manufacturing of electric cars charged by stationary solar. We all save money and save the earth at the same time.
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