Why gasoline follows oil up but not down
Experts say gas stations charge more for fuel simply because the free market will bear it. What do you think? Should a product like gasoline be left to the whims of the free market?
Scraping by on $150,000
Do you find it hard to believe a family with a six-figure income (Scraping by on $150,000) would have a hard time making ends meet? Or have you experienced that yourself?
Worst ways to quit your job
Given all the layoff horror stories (see Worst ways to get fired) it's easy to always think "employees good, companies bad." But there also is plenty employees do to mistreat their bosses and colleagues when they leave the company, as I note in my most recent column, Worst ways to quit. If you've experienced or taken part in some less-than-professional resignations, we'd like to hear about it.
CEOs' free ride ... to Perksville
Chances are your employer isn't paying for your home, your transportation or a big chunk of your taxes, as many companies do for their CEOs, as noted in my recent column. But we'd like to know, what kind of perks on the job do you enjoy?
Worst ways to get fired
When cost-conscious companies place too much value on speed and efficiency, it can lead to some insensitive strategies when laying off employees. See my recent column on some of the coldest ways companies have given workers the boot. If you have any terrible tales of corporate termination, we'd like to hear them. -- Jeanne Sahadi She's a saver. He's a spender
Some 84 percent of husbands and wives say money is a source of tension in their relationship, according to a recent Money Magazine survey. With the Abbates, Michael was the clear shopaholic. Who's the spender and who's the saver in your relationship? Do you have any other tips that have helped you keep the peace? We'd like to hear them.
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