Average total pay: $120,657
For: Engineering - Software Development Engineer in Test*Best companies rank: 72
The house that Bill Gates built keeps top talent in the door with pay packages that include above-market base pay and a 401(k) match that pays 50 cents on the dollar, up to 6% of salary.
Microsoft's healthcare policy is as comprehensive as it gets: The company pays 100% of premiums for employees and dependents, with no deductible or payroll contributions, and it covers everything from weight management to autism therapy.
The main campus in Redmond, Wash., continues to expand, with new sports fields, restaurants, shops, and convenience services. Workers get there from across the region via the company's fleet of Wi-Fi-equipped buses.
NEXT: Baker Donelson
Last updated January 26 2011: 2:26 PM ET
*Most common salaried job