Average total pay: $118,996
For: Associate*Best companies rank: 50
This Atlanta-based law firm -- which counts former U.S. Senator Howard Baker among its partners -- is one of the largest in the Southeast, attracting lawyers with above-market salaries and an amiable culture.
Baker Donelson offers a dollar-for-dollar 401(k) match of up to 3% of salary, regardless of employee contribution, and everyone is eligible for a year-end bonus. Secretaries get additional bonuses when they work for more than two attorneys -- a unique perk in the industry, according to the firm.
Through its "Thank it Forward" program, the firm sends packets of thank-you cards to randomly selected employees, who send cards and packets on to coworkers they want to appreciate. The firm "mandates" at least one fun event per quarter, including chili cook-offs, pumpkin-carving contests, and ice cream socials. CEO Ben Adams Jr. personally calls people on their milestone anniversaries to thank them for their contributions.
NEXT: The Everett Clinic
Last updated January 26 2011: 2:26 PM ET
*Most common salaried job