Average total pay: $114,084
For: Toolpusher*Best companies rank: 32
Headquartered in Oklahoma City, Chesapeake Energy has by far one of the most generous 401(k) programs among the "100 Best" -- 100% up to 15% of an employee's contribution, with $48 million contributed in 2009 alone. Employees aren't thrown to the wind regarding how to invest, either, with quarterly financial training available to all.
All new hires receive restricted stock, which is in keeping with the company's commitment to treat all employees as equals -- all workers receive the same benefits regardless of their role with the company, and no lavish perks are reserved for executives. Bonuses abound: In 2009, $4.2 million went to 2,858 employees to reward safety efforts.
NEXT: Novo Nordisk
Last updated January 26 2011: 2:26 PM ET
*Most common salaried job