Rank: 8 (Previous rank: 15)
CEO: Liu Zhenya Employees: 1,533,800 Address: 86 Xichang'an Ave. Beijing 100031 Country: China Website: www.sgcc.com.cn State Grid Corporation serves as China�s primary power grid builder and operator, supplying power to millions. Since its founding in 2002, the company has become increasingly involved in power industry reform, technology exchange, and environmental conservation development.
State Grid President Liu Zhenya has set his sights on constructing China�s first national Smart Grids in order to slash energy costs and improve distribution. If the grids are completed by 2020, they are expected to provide up to 35% of China�s energy supply. -- M.J.P. Subscribe to Fortune Magazine Is State Grid a great company, or what?
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Company | 2009 Number of Employees |
Wal-Mart Stores | 2,100,000 |
China National Petroleum | 1,649,992 |
State Grid | 1,533,800 |
Company | 2009 Profits ($ millions) |
Gazprom | $24,556 |
Exxon Mobil | $19,280 |
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China | $18,832 |