Table of contents: VOL. 16, NO. 1 - February 1, 2006
What does it take to serve God and Mammon? (more)

Get customers to pay you in advance? Don't laugh. One firm that figured out how to do it is thriving. (more)
Christian CEOs bond for love and profit. (more)
How business owners express their faith at work, within the law. (more)
How a Christian contractor rises in Phoenix. (more)
A business guru and Dell's CEO clash over the true value of information technology. (more)
Look at what today's entrepreneurs are inventing: from a sandwich that never gets soggy to a wireless picture frame to a sweet way to make gasoline. (more)
In the Pacific Northwest a family hospitality empire thrives by defying convention. (more)
An entrepreneur hopes to channel $1.2 billion in capital to small firms. (more)
After a company's product was arbitrarily deemed unsafe by the government, it had two choices: Go out of business--or fight back. (more)

How GPS technology helps one contractor nail slacker employees, neutralize difficult clients, and find hidden profits. (more)
GPS helps a student moving service stay on course. (more)
A startup offers a do-it-yourself video alert system for small businesses. (more)
FSB helps a prosthetics firm expand. (more)
An Ohio theater troupe is still struggling to hit the big time. (more)
off hours
Best new chocolate made by small companies. (more)
As Mongolia opens up, an adventure travel entrepreneur offers horseback tours that show off the country's sunnier side. (more)
A new venture helps connect musicians and fans. (more)

Where to get a two-story treetop home (more) sells itself to Moody's to go global (more)

A legendary investor aims to be a racy novelist. (more)

When business-owning reservists are called for long tours in Iraq, their companies can become a casualty of war. (more)
Vets needing business help are finding it from folks who understand: other veterans. (more)
the edge
Sinister corporate conspiracies, of course. What makes us so sure? Read on ... (more)
Two new options for the midlife-crisis market. (more)
Entrepreneurs are finding that creating eco-friendly offices costs a bit more up front but can deliver lasting benefits. |more|
More cities are requiring restaurants to tell customers how much fat is in that burger. Smart business owners are embracing the trend. |more|
At the Bitter End, some of the world's best sailors take amateurs - including many entrepreneurs - on a wild ride. |more|
FSB's makeover squad helps a shoemaking couple chart a growth plan. |more|
Facing a dwindling supply of American tech workers, employers struggle to hire skilled foreigners. |more|