Republicans charge President Obama with increasing the size of the federal government. More President Obama says it's the 'height of unfairness' that the very wealthy can pay a lower percentage of their income in federal taxes than many in the middle class. More President says it's time to hit the 'reset' button, and agrees to look at health care law provision that has proven to be a real stickler. More Many of the candidates who most captured the media's attention lost in the midterms. Did extra attention hurt GOP candidates? More With Republicans taking over the House, expect an immediate effort to repeal health care reform. But piecemeal change is what might really happen. More High unemployment doomed many Democrats in the 2010 election. But most economists expect a better job market by 2012, and that just might get the president re-elected. More Republicans may win the House, if not the Senate. But that also means they will inherit the same problems plaguing Democrats: spending, taxes and debt. More On Election Day, you can vote at the polls -- even if you're going through foreclosure. But be sure to update your permanent address. More Some tax experts say the federal budget is much bigger than advertised thanks to the bevy of tax breaks that have grown four-fold in the past few decades. More President wants Congress to levy fees on banks to make taxpayers whole for bailout losses. Tax would raise an estimated $90 billion and big institutions would pay bulk. More Four chiefs of leading Wall Street banks tell Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission that they didn't realize how bad the situation was. More