Porsche's redesigned Cayenne
![]() First impressions; it looks better. The "visual lower center of gravity" look that Porsche stressed multiple times in the introduction makes for an improved, but by no means a beautiful, Cayenne. Even though fuel prices have dropped back down towards the $2.00 per gallon range, Porsche was proud to say that a new direct injection fuel system combined with aerodynamic advances should yield up to a fifteen-percent improvement in gas mileage. Don't be swayed too much. It will still be a thirsty beast, but at least performance improvements are also included. The top model, the Cayenne Turbo, puts out 500 hp and, according to the manufacturer, hits 60 mph in 4.9 seconds. All for the almost comical price of $93,700. Well, maybe not too comical. The better looking, but less powerful, supercharged Range Rover costs about the same. Prices for the base V6-powered Cayenne will start at $43,400 while the middle range Cayenne S starts at $57,900. As always, Porsche stresses that they do not discount their vehicles and this, combined with lower production numbers, historically yields excellent residual values. At the end of the press conference, the current CEO and president of Porsche, Dr Wendelin Wiedeking, stressed two points about the company. First, other than the introduction of the 4-door Panamera sedan in 2009, there will be no new Porsche models over the next five years. Also, Dr Wiedeking claims that Porsche will never build a modern version of a classic model like Ford did with the GT or Chevy with the Camaro. I guess building the same model since 1964, the 911, allows Porsche to keep the retro card firmly in hand. Hmm...seems just like cosmetic changes to me. This make the used Cayenne a super good deal.
: 8:46 PM Porsche did build a "modern" retro car in 1989 and in 1994 producing a Speedster version of the 911. Call it semantics - but that was clearly a retro car.
: 3:44 PM It's surprizing Porsche isn't interested in produciing a product in the $40-50K price range. Back in the late 80's thru mid-90's they made the 944/968 series which was popular and more practical for everyday use than the more expensive late-model Cayman. As with many manufacturers, Porsche makes a lot of profit on parts & service. With more units in use; I would think revenue would be higher[?]. It appears BMW and Audi employ this strategy.
: 3:50 PM
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