New MacBooks, iPods delayed
Intel is rolling out a new, faster notebook chip tomorrow -- but Mac users will have to wait until the holidays to buy MacBook Pros with the new chip inside, says Mac blogger Jason O'Grady. That's because Apple is still trying to fix problems with the circuit boards in its current Intel-powered laptop designs. That's not the only bad news for Apple fans. American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu tells the International Business Times that new iPods won't come out until next year. Wu believes that Apple is rolling out a long-rumored widescreen iPod -- but not until early 2007, because of challenges in increasing the screen size and extending battery life at the same time. A new, scratch-resistant iPod Nano with a magnesium casing will come out around the same time, but like the MacBook Pro, the Nano is also reportedly delayed by chip-design problems.
So the question is, can you wait that long for new Apple gear? Or are you itching to buy something from rivals like Dell and Creative? I think it is better to make it well instead of rushing to keep the lauch date.
: 2:55 PM But still a lot of mac fans will be disappointed. Why would I buy something from Dell or Creative? That would be like settling for a Chevy because the new BMW has been delayed.
: 4:49 PM Better to do it right than do it fast. They'll come out when they come out, and newer technology still will be out by the time I'm ready to buy again.
: 11:05 AM What is this 'gotta have it now' nonsense? Comment Policy: encourages you to add a comment to this discussion. You may not post any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other material that would violate the law. Please note that makes reasonable efforts to review all comments prior to posting and may edit comments for clarity or to keep out questionable or off-topic material. All comments should be relevant to the post and remain respectful of other authors and commenters. By submitting your comment, you hereby give the right, but not the obligation, to post, air, edit, exhibit, telecast, cablecast, webcast, re-use, publish, reproduce, use, license, print, distribute or otherwise use your comment(s) and accompanying personal identifying information via all forms of media now known or hereafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity. Privacy Statement.