See sick people, get rid of them.
$$: Not so great, actually. You could do a lot better as a plastic surgeon, allergist, or any specialist not supported by insurance.
The upside: After a while, figuring out ways to deny people medical attention can be a challenging game. The good news is that you win more than you lose.
The downside: Sometimes people get so sick that you may have to treat them.
The dark side: Even though it's not really your fault and you're only enforcing the codes and regulations of the system you work for, and everybody has to make a living, you know, sometimes it's very narrowly possible that you may do something, or not do something, that results in the death of somebody. Then, you know, if you think about it too much and dwell on it in a way that you really have no reason to, you may feel bad.
Where you go from here: Hunting endangered species for their fur.