101 Dumbest Moments in Business

The year's biggest boors, buffoons, and blunderers

Who's on first, what's on second, and some random Guy's on third...
25. BBC
Who's on first, what's on second, and some random Guy's on third...
In May the BBC invites IT expert Guy Kewney to its studios for an interview about Apple's iTunes Music Store. But when the cameras start rolling, BBC correspondent Karen Bowerman finds herself talking to the wrong Guy - namely, Guy Goma, a computer technician who was waiting in the lobby for a job interview.

Goma gamely tries his best, telling viewers that "if you can go everywhere, you're gonna see a lot of people downloading to the Internet and the website and everything they want."

The job interview, alas, does not go as well: Goma fails to land the gig.
22. BusinessWeek

23. Microsoft

24. B2/Raytheon CEO

25. BBC

26. Greyhound

27. Radio Shack

28. National Semi
The complete 101 See the video, test your Dumbest knowledge, and check out our 'Sex, drugs, and celebrities' gallery. (more)
Where Wal-Mart went wrong The world's largest retailer set out to clean up its image in '06 - and promptly landed six spots on this year's list. (more)
Business...It's 'Dumbtastic!' Business 2.0, with the help of a few comedians, highlights the doozies in customer service and HR screw-ups. (more) video

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