Web-enabled mass participation
Rank: 45
Why you matter: Can we be blunt? You had a disappointing year. It began with great promise, when this magazine placed You in the No.1 slot on the 2006 edition of this list. "You've become an integral part of the action as a member of the aggregated, interactive, self-organizing, auto-entertaining audience," we said, and we really meant it! A few months later, our corporate cousins at Time concurred and named You the 2006 Person of the Year.
Then You got lazy. All those YouTube videos of cats dancing, playing the piano, and drunkenly running into walls? So derivative. Then there was all the fawning over Snakes on a Plane. What was up with that? And don't even get us started on Sanjaya. Look, we still think You have lots of potential. But if You're really going to change the media landscape, it's time to step up Your game.