Then: As chief of paper company Champion International from 1974 to 1996, Sigler was a critic of hostile takeovers and institutional shareholders -- and a target for his relatively high compensation.
Now: Does he miss those days? In short: no. "When I retired, I did not want to be around the business world," he says. "I did not want to hang around old guys who tell you how important they used to be."
He headed for Vermont with his wife Peg, who suffers from macular degeneration. "I'm the errand boy now," he says.
In 2000, they started a small dairy farm and bought land in New Hampshire to build a private golf course called Montcalm. "I don't know that we can ever generate enough money to ever use all the depreciation out of these things," says Sigler, 79. "But it's what I like to do."
By Ellen Florian
NEXT: Arthur Laffer
Last updated October 28 2010: 8:20 AM ET