If you're looking for more investments abroad, pick up shares of Vanguard's MSCI Emerging Markets ETF. Investing in emerging markets comes with its own set of risks, but experts say the long-term advantages balance out those risks.
The Vanguard ETF invests in companies located in Brazil, Russia, China, India, among other emerging markets. Top holdings include Petrobras (PZE), Samsung and China Mobile (VTI).
"International exposure should rope in emerging markets, since populations in those countries are growing very quickly and driving rapid economic growth," said David Becker, chief investment officer at Northern Oak Capital Management.
In addition to a broad emerging market fund, Becker also suggests ETFs that focus on specific developing economies, such as the iShares MSCI Turkey Index Fund (TUR).
Young people are all about keeping up with the latest trends, even when it comes to their investing strategies.