11:19am: As your tech columnist takes his leave, he looks back over six-and-a-half years, forward to a Facebook book, and beyond. (more)
Jul 25: The Legatum Fortune Technology Prize will encourage business to tackle poverty through technology. At Brainstorm Tech, the discussion ranged from Apple to the next XO laptop, and from changing tech standards to changing the world. (more)
Jul 18: Perhaps the world's most ambitious nanotech project is underway at Hewlett-Packard. Stan Williams' lab aims to build 'a central nervous system for the earth.' (more)
Jul 11: We asked attendees at our upcoming conference three questions. The answers show tech industry leaders are deeply engaged with big social problems, and optimistic that tech can help. (more)
Jul 4: To understand Microsoft's pursuit of Yahoo, you have to take a clear-eyed look at Google. It's not the greatest tech company after all. (more)
Jun 27: Fortune's conference for the thinking person takes a new form at Half Moon Bay in July. Our topic: Tech's future, and the world's. (more)
Jun 13: Old-line mainframe software firm Serena Software is going mashup with the help of Facebook. (more)
Jun 6: Educators who teach kids to make their own video games are on education's cutting edge. (more)
May 16: You've seen the blowout earnings numbers. Here's a look at why growth remains strong. (more)
May 15: The software giant puts Windows on the "$100 laptop" (which costs about $200) and gives the program new life. (more)
May 9: The popular social networking service is tempting to Microsoft in the wake of its failed Yahoo assault, but there's no urgency to do a deal now. (more)
May 2: Attacks on Microsoft reveal a fundamental ignorance of what's powering the behemoth's growth trajectory. (more)
Apr 25: The fertile new field of biomimicry is helping to lower energy use and speed innovation. The Lotus leaf led to a self-cleaning paint. (more)
Apr 18: The hot social network is fine for kids, but skeptical adults need a reason to sign up. One turns out to be getting good stuff in your News Feed. (more)
Apr 7: Despite layoffs and financial troubles, the No. 2 chipmaker is developing some promising products. (more)
Apr 3: The Bangladeshi Nobel laureate wins yet another award - this time for contributions to technology. He talks to Fortune about where tech might take the poor. (more)
Mar 27: The way the two companies settled their dispute suggests that the Internet may really become a good way to distribute media. (more)
Mar 27: Unless you believe poor people will suddenly start to enjoy being unconnected and uninformed, you've got to have faith in tech's future. Just look at the numbers. (more)
Mar 14: Roy Singham adores Hugo Chavez and thinks China is a model of good governance. His biggest fans? Corporate America. (more)
Mar 4: The insouciant CEO did intend to shock, but in reality he was just bragging about his brand, which he's now applying to Virgin Charter, an Internet company for arranging private jet trips. (more)
Feb 29: Combining social networks with geographic information was one of the big ideas at a gathering this week of uber-techies and media digirati in New York. (more)
Feb 22: With a new move to make its products work better with open source and its effort to buy Yahoo, Microsoft shows it wants to move into the present. (more)
Feb 15: In Olympics-mad China, even video gaming - yes it's an official sport there - is being drawn into the competition. And a U.S. tech startup has won a gold. (more)
Feb 4: A small, star-studded startup called iAmplify believes it has found the business model for Web video: let any site sell it, for a hefty cut of the price. (more)
Feb 1: Forget Radiohead. Brazilian author Paulo Coelho has been an apostle of free Internet distribution for years. He figures they sell more books this way. (more)
Feb 1: Microsoft and Yahoo are the only two companies that can combine and give the Net's colossus a run for its money. Somebody needs to. (more)
Feb 1: Google's power cannot and should not grow forever. These are the only two companies that can give the Net's colossus a run for its money. (more)
Jan 24: European companies like Germany's Burda are driving toward a software-powered future of blended professional and amateur content. (more)
Jan 18: Sun may be the more modern one, but Oracle has found a sure-fire formula for near-term profit. And in some ways both have figured out how to emulate IBM. (more)
Jan 8: The Consumer Electronics Show is a fiesta of ways to deliver video to digital devices. Building B aims to put together a new form of mass-market TV. (more)
Jan 4: In an ideal world, we'd all find the peace connection in whatever we do. One technologist hopes his group ICT4Peace can make a difference in world crises. (more)
Dec 28: It was a Fast Forward year of socially-networked, individually-empowered, ad-supported, and globally-developing tech. (more)
Dec 20: The buzz has diminished but Linden Lab CEO Philip Rosedale says his Second Life virtual world is stronger than ever. Now he vows to make it a "stable public utility." (more)
Dec 14: The buttoned-down social network has a new CEO, a growing membership, and an increasingly-useful set of features. (more)
Dec 5: CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally apologized Wednesday and made fresh changes to the site's controversial new ad system. Maybe now the media's absurd critiques will stop. (more)
Dec 4: The $19 billion Activision-Vivendi merger creates a global video contender with an unprecedented mix of games and technology. New CEO Bobby Kotick talks to David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Nov 27: Speed of light not fast enough for you? Call Riverbed Technology - they rev up enterprise software better than anyone, reports Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Nov 21: Amazon's newest offering is more than an e-book reader: it's a bold step into our increasingly mobile future, argues Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Nov 16: Yes, the stock price has slipped from heady highs, but Fortune's David Kirkpatrick argues that Google has all the tools necessary to survive and thrive. (more)
Nov 8: The social networking site promises to turn advertising on its head by blending e-commerce with word-of-mouth marketing, writes Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Oct 31: Social networking is as hot in India as in the U.S. The tech scene here sizzles, but don't expect to get paid for your software, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Oct 24: An equity investment and an expanded ad deal bring software's giant and the Net's darling even closer together. (more)
Oct 19: We're living through the biggest set of changes yet in technology. It's a mouthful - mobile, ad-supported, on-demand, socially-connected, and truly global. Brace yourself, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Oct 12: Or Yahoo. Whatever. If the search giant doesn't get some better competitors, it will get trouble instead, argues Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Oct 5: Despite multiple roadblocks, the team behind the One Laptop Per Child initiative is ready to deliver. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick profiles the innovative approach to both product and marketing. (more)
Sep 27: An investment by the software giant seems likely - Facebook is the ideal testbed for the future of advertising. (more)
Sep 21: As social networks surge and new ones arise, the rivalry between the two biggest names is making the whole industry better. (more)
Sep 14: This matchmaking dotcom succeeds with its aim of creating happy marriages. Software for soft stuff - it would be nice if there was more. (more)
Sep 7: Technology is central to China's self-image, and the Net is amazing, writes Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. Just don't eat the sushi. (more)
Aug 27: Swashbuckling Ted Waitt's once-feisty PC mail-order house now disappears into the maw of globalization. Such is tech today, reports Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Aug 24: This wave hasn't crested - it really is the next big thing - but who knows where it will all lead? Can Microsoft and Yahoo jump in? Fortune's David Kirkpatrick explores the next phases. (more)
Aug 3: The Wall Street Journal will be a better paper for the world of modern media now that News Corp. has won its prize, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jul 27: Nick Negroponte explains to Fortune's David Kirkpatrick how his effort to give poor children laptops took a giant leap by making peace with longtime nemesis Intel. (more)
Jul 20: At Fortune's inaugural technology conference, we spanned a plethora of topics. Next year we plan to be even more ambitious, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jul 6: Americans still have a lot to celebrate when it comes to technology, but in a shrinking, empowered world, so do many others elsewhere, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jun 29: This is a computer, not a phone, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. Finally, we'll be able to surf the Web anywhere we want. (more)
Jun 20: Semel brought a media man's mind to a technology company, and that's at the root of Yahoo's troubles, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jun 15: Nothing is changing IT like the adoption of technology across the developing world. Expect more than two billion PCs worldwide by 2015. (more)
Jun 8: TV remains the dominant medium, so Joost wants to make the Internet more like TV. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick interviews the former Cisco exec who should help Joost get there. (more)
Jun 1: The social network's new strategy has already led to surprising innovation - and another million or so users. (more)
May 24: The social networking company now wants to become a place for anyone to build applications for social computing. Fortune got an inside look. (more)
May 18: Fortune's iMeme conference in July brings together top tech thinkers on a dizzying range of topics. With change coming faster and new ideas emerging every day, at iMeme we slow down and talk it all through. (more)
May 11: Intel is loaded with ideas for portable computers. Marketing boss Sean Maloney even slings a few compliments at OLPC's Nick Negroponte in an interview with Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
May 3: No media mogul better understands what's happening online, or is more willing to invest for results. But in one small respect Murdoch may be miscalculating, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Apr 27: The superhot '$100 laptop,' which costs $176, is at the heart of a feverish dance for influence by PC giants Intel and Microsoft. It may be coming to the United States, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Apr 20: The world's fastest-growing - and in many ways, largest - tech market is built around frenzied shopping malls not that different from the souks of old. An on-site report from Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Apr 13: Sun Microsystems lives up to its name and puts energy efficiency at its core. Why? Computers draw 4-5 percent of total world power, its eco-boss tells Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Mar 28: Photobucket has 38 million members, but unless you use MySpace or Facebook, you might not know them. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick provides a snapshot of the Web's hottest photo site. (more)
Mar 23: Don't think the Second Life land rush is over. Now a huge real estate firm is entering the 3D virtual world, as the service's headlong growth continues, reports Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Mar 16: The battle between Viacom and Google demonstrates the fundamental divide between media and tech companies. But there is a way Viacom could achieve many of its goals, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Mar 6: Intel and AMD hate each other. And that's great for customers, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Mar 2: It's hard to understand the media business in the age of the Internet. This company for athletes and Boy Scouts shows how quickly it's changing. (more)
Feb 23: Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales talks to Fortune's David Kirkpatrick about his commercial project Wikia, and why the world needs an open source search engine. (more)
Feb 13: No matter how sophisticated the defenses, companies like MySpace and Facebook are subject to thousands of intrusions from sexual predators. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick examines a hot topic for Net businesses. (more)
Feb 1: This year at Davos, it was politically correct for corporations to show concern for the planet. Exceptions were few, but notable. An insider's view from Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jan 31: In an exclusive interview, the newly reinstated CEO reveals to Fortune's David Kirkpatrick his strategy for restoring the computer retailer's battered reputation. (more)
Jan 26: Avatars, digital identity and the virtual world of Second Life were topics at a Davos dinner session moderated by Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jan 22: The kind of software sold by the formidable Parallels is transforming computing and challenging Steve Jobs, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Jan 12: Yes, Apple's latest toy is seductive. But the iPhone does not represent the future of music. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick introduces the jukebox in the sky - RealNetworks' Rhapsody. (more)
Jan 4: In the coming year we'll see faster change, more of you, a turn toward us, worsening security problems, impact from Microsoft, and more. (more)
Dec 22: Fortune senior editor David Kirkpatrick discusses reducing the digital divide at a conference held at the United Nations. (more)
Dec 22: Making sophisticated products cheaply and in huge numbers is how the giants hope to grow. (more)
Dec 15: The search advertising business is almost - but not quite - locked up. Could be the wild card? (more)
Dec 7: Top salesman Sean Maloney on the next (wireless) phase of PCs, competing with AMD and selling to 14-year-olds. (more)
Nov 30: What happens when billionaire bon vivant Richard Branson hosts a gaggle of young Internet superstars? (more)
Nov 17: A new company formed by AST's Safi Qureshey could remake how we use video on the Web--and speed the reinvention of the media industry, argues Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Nov 10: Is it a game? No. Is it a marketing opportunity? Yes, but who cares? What matters most is that it may point to the future of the Net, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Nov 3: The most comprehensive survey ever about U.S. steps to the next-generation Internet finds worry, and an eagerness to move forward, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Oct 26: For several reasons - especially growing demand in developing countries - tech's run most probably will last many years. (more)
Oct 19: The $1.65 billion purchase of the video-sharing site could actually be a boon for traditional TV ads. (more)
Oct 9: In an interview with Fortune's David Kirkpatrick, former HP CEO Carly Fiorina gives a blunt appraisal of her critics, and the recent scandal. (more)
Oct 9: Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina sits down with Fortune's David Kirkpatrick and opens up about her new book, her time on the board and the current scandal rocking the company. (more)
Oct 6: It's not just for arranging dates. And it's not just another social network. Facebook offers sophisticated tools for maintaining social relationships. (more)
Sep 22: Hurd admits approving questionable activities, even as board Chairman Dunn resigns and the HP imbroglio moves into a new phase. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick asks, where is the real transparency? (more)
Sep 21: HP's CEO managed for a while to stay above the fray of the egregious leak investigation and its aftermath. Not anymore. (more)
Sep 15: Commentary: HP Chairman Patricia Dunn's supporters say her behavior was neither stupid nor weak. Accept it or not - here's another view of the HP mess. (more)
Sep 7: Snooping into private phone records ought to be taboo for any company that expects its customers' trust, especially one in the business of selling computers, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. (more)
Sep 1: ... Wherein I attempt to explain why I had the nerve to say that Microsoft should get much credit for both the PC and Internet revolutions. (more)
Aug 25: Some people do. Fortune's David Kirkpatrick shares some surprising facts, worrisome behavior and huge growth opportunities in 'The Mobile Generation.' (more)
Mar 2: The computer giant is betting a new chip and a reorganized corporate structure will make IBM exciting again. (more)
Feb 17: If you're a gamer, you already know about the networking site. If you're an investor, you should. (more)
Mar 2: The most popular site for the tech cognoscenti is created entirely by its users and readers. (more)
Feb 3: Germany's largest magazine publisher is pioneering a trail into frontiers of new media. (more)
Jan 26: Creating a censored Google for China was a rational and responsible act for a commercial business. (more)
Jan 4: Many people and products that came into their own last year will have even more impact in 2006. (more)
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Company | Price | Change | % Change |
Ford Motor Co | 8.29 | 0.05 | 0.61% |
Advanced Micro Devic... | 54.59 | 0.70 | 1.30% |
Cisco Systems Inc | 47.49 | -2.44 | -4.89% |
General Electric Co | 13.00 | -0.16 | -1.22% |
Kraft Heinz Co | 27.84 | -2.20 | -7.32% |
Data as of 2:44pm ET
Index | Last | Change | % Change |
Dow | 32,627.97 | -234.33 | -0.71% |
Nasdaq | 13,215.24 | 99.07 | 0.76% |
S&P 500 | 3,913.10 | -2.36 | -0.06% |
Treasuries | 1.73 | 0.00 | 0.12% |
Data as of 6:29am ET