Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

41 of 500
41. PepsiCo
Financials: Latest Results
Rank: 41 (Previous rank: 43)
CEO: Indra K. Nooyi
Was this company a 2011 top stock?

Pressure's on for Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi, who outlined a two-year plan this past February to get her company back on track. In 2011, Pepsi was no longer the number-two beverage in the country, replaced by Diet Coke.

The ranking change shook up already concerned investors who have been wary of Nooyi's shift of focus from colas into less profitable albeit healthier snack foods. But Nooyi has taken steps to appease investors upset by the company missing its proposed profit targets. In early February, Pepsi announced plans to cut 8,700 jobs to save $1.5 billion in costs.

During Pepsi's fourth quarter earnings call in February, Nooyi said, "We're evolving from being developed market dominant to having a truly global mindset in the company."

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Key financials $ millions % change
from 2010
Revenues 66,504.0 15.0
Profits 6,443.0 1.9
Assets 72,882.0
Stockholders' equity 20,588.0
Market value (3/29/2012) 103,693.8
Profits as % of  
Revenues 9.7
Assets 8.8
Stockholders' equity 31.3
Earnings per share  
2011 $ 4.03
% change from 2010 3.1
2001-2011 annual growth rate % 10.6
Total return to investors %
2011 4.7
2001-2011 annual rate 5.4
Rank Company 500
($ millions)
1 PepsiCo 41 66,504.0
2 Kraft Foods 50 54,365.0
3 General Mills 181 14,880.2
4 Kellogg 205 13,198.0
5 Dean Foods 207 13,055.5
6 Land O'Lakes 210 12,849.3
7 ConAgra Foods 215 12,395.5
8 Sara Lee 220 12,103.0
9 H.J. Heinz 244 10,706.6
10 Hormel Foods 327 7,895.1
11 Campbell Soup 334 7,719.0
12 Dole Food 349 7,223.8
13 Hershey 404 6,080.8
14 J.M. Smucker 495 4,825.7
Issue date: May 21, 2012
Galleries and more
700 Anderson Hill Rd.
Purchase, NY 10577
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Fortune 500+
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Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
California 53
Texas 52
New York 50
Company Rank
Google 73
NetApp 474
NuStar Energy 377
Company 2011 $ (millions)
Exxon $41,060.0
Chevron $26,895.0
Apple $25,922.0
FAQ and methodology
Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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