Honda Accord coupe concept
Coming off its 11th consecutive year of record sales, and an aggressive program of hydrogen fuel cell development, Honda unveiled its latest take on the Honda Accord.
I think it looks sweet! Can't wait to see it up close and live.
: 3:05 PM The talk here about it has been intersting. Looks like Honda is trying to compete with the BMW 335I Coupe. Though the honda is a nice looking vehicle, if you've ever driven the 335I twin-turbo there really is no comparison.
: 3:16 PM Former Honda Loyal BMW Driver Chris As an owner of the current accord coupe I am trilled to see another (even better) redesign. Lets just hope this time the progressive styling continues to the car's interior as well.
: 4:18 PM Can we get this with a torque-y diesel or at least a hybrid? 'Bout time these sports cars get the right powertrain!
: 3:27 PM Honda's styling has been getting so bland that it needs a change in direction. This looks like a great start!
: 10:34 PM There is rumor that they bump the V6 to 300hp... they'd have me as a customer in a heartbeat if they did. I hope they do some major changes to the interior also.
: 12:15 PM Why isn't there an Acura verion of this? They have NO coupes!
: 3:08 PM Now this is why Honda continues to stay in the forefront of the automobile industry! I think we call it vision!
: 4:02 PM What will the sedan look like? I hope it's similar in styling!
: 6:27 PM Looks nice, although a bit too much like a Volvo c70 or Scion tc. Hope it offers major upgrades in comfort and quality over the current model.
: 12:42 AM Some People may like it's styling, but I find it just plain ugly
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