Senior computer scientists at Adobe take home an average of $161,127 in total compensation annually. Which other Best Companies to Work For offer big paychecks?
Average total pay: $112,656
For: Lead Information Systems Engineer*

Best companies rank: 60

MITRE is a federally-funded non-profit research and development agency that carries out work for the Department of Defense, military services, the intelligence community and other government arms like the Internal Revenue Service and Federal Aviation Administration.

While there's no possibility of stock options or profit sharing payouts, MITRE makes up for it with a top retirement plan. Six percent of employees have a retirement balance of over $1 million: they're called MITRE-naires. No CEO-pay scandals here - a salary cap limits CEO pay to 12 times the average pay of employees.

*Most common salaried job

Full list: 100 Best Companies to Work For






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