Senior computer scientists at Adobe take home an average of $161,127 in total compensation annually. Which other Best Companies to Work For offer big paychecks?
Nixon Peabody
Nixon Peabody
Average total pay: $181,099
For: Associate Attorney*

Best companies rank: 49

Four mergers between 1999 and 2003 made Nixon Peabody one of the largest law firms in the United States, with approximately 600 attorneys in 16 cities. Ranked 60th among all law firms, its three largest offices are Boston; Rochester, N.Y.; and New York City.

Nixon Peabody's vision is to be the "best firm to work with and best firm to work for." Hourly staff members are eligible for "pay for performance" bonuses ranging from $1,600 to $8,000. The firm is expanding its pro bono initiative and offers full billable-hour credit to all attorneys (and paralegals) who do pro bono work.

*Most common salaried job

Full list: 100 Best Companies to Work For







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