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11. Cirrus Logic
3-year average
Revenue Growth: 24%
Profit Growth: 340%
Total Return: 42%
As their annual report puts it, fiscal year 2011 (which ended March 26) "was one hell of a year for Cirrus Logic." The maker of chips for the iPad and iPhone has been booming along with its scaldingly hot customer. In 2009, Apple accounted for 16% of sales, then 35% in 2010, and 47% in fiscal year 2011. That helped propel Cirrus's revenue 67% from 2010, and more than double it over the past two years, to $370 million.

Cirrus's main business is audio chips: the circuitry in everyday devices that controls sound. "It's not particularly sexy," says CEO Jason Rhode. "It just happens to be what we're good at." Customers seem to find it alluring enough. Audio sales jumped to $264.8 million in fiscal year 2011, a 72% increase from 2010.
Get stock quote: CRUS
Revenue ($ millions): $369.6
Net Income ($ millions): $203.5
Industry: Technology
Network with Cirrus Logic
What businesses do you think are primed to grow in this economy?
From the September 26, 2011 issue.
Revenue and profit figures reflect the four quarters ended on or before April 30,2011.
Total return is through June 30, 2011.

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To qualify, a company -- domestic or foreign -- must be trading on a major U.S. stock exchange; file quarterly reports to the SEC; have a minimum market... More
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