Why him? Steve Jobs revived Apple and remade entire industries, defying the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression -- and his own serious health problems. More

Check out our interactive timeline to see Jobs' early struggles and recent victories, Apple's coolest product launches of the past 10 years, and how investing in Apple stock has paid off. More

Is Steve Jobs a great CEO, or what?

From the garage where it all started to his recent battle with cancer: a collection of hard-to-find photos of the Apple CEO.

He's had an amazing decade. But some of his brightest accomplishments go all the way back to the '70s. more

From Bob Iger to Andy Grove, eight people who rarely speak publicly about Jobs explain what makes him one of the best business minds of our time. More

Here are a dozen other business leaders who had notable runs this decade, not all for the good. More

Harvard professor Nancy F. Koehn shows us how Jobs stacks up with other great entrepreneurs in history. More

Most books on Apple's CEO come in one of three genres that follow his career: Hero, Creep or Creepy Genius. More
Apple�s CEO is Fortune�s top business leader of the last 10 years due to his impact on computing, movies, music and mobile phones. Watch