Average total pay: $240,955
For: Associate*Best Companies rank: 87
Headquarters: New York, NY
This global corporate law firm pays lawyers and support staff "at or above market" in every area where they have offices, including Hong Kong, Beijing and Moscow. In the U.S., legal secretaries' average total pay is $77,702 annually. A whopping 98% of employees received bonuses in 2007: For support staff, they averaged $8,893; for associates, $34,325.
To keep employees making less than $60K a year from having to spend too much on health insurance, Orrick has a sliding scale for premiums: The more you make, the more you pay. Unlike virtually every other law firm, Orrick covers between 55% and 100% of the premium for non-partner lawyers and support staff; partners get zero subsidy.
NEXT: Alston & Bird
Last updated February 05 2009: 1:03 PM ET
*Most common salaried job