Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

32 of 500
32. Walgreen
Financials: Latest Results
Rank: 32 (Previous rank: 32)
CEO: Gregory D. Wasson
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The country's largest drug chain, with 7,697 total stores, Walgreen continues to perform well. Its April 2010 purchase of Duane Reade has paid off already: The acquisition improved sales and accounted for about half of the company's growth.

The company also is building its house brand, having launched a major advertising campaign to promote Walgreen-branded products earlier this year. Online growth is another focus: The chain bought Drugstore.com in March for $429 million.

Wall Street expectations are high, though, and when Walgreen's latest earnings disappointed, its shares dipped. --S.D.

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Key financials $ millions % change
from 2009
Revenues 67,420.0 6.4
Profits 2,091.0 4.2
Assets 26,275.0 —
Stockholders' equity 14,400.0 —
Market value (3/25/2011) 36,564.5 —
Profits as % of  
Revenues 3.1
Assets 8.0
Stockholders' equity 14.5
Earnings per share  
2010 $ 2.12
% change from 2009 5.0
2000-2010 annual growth rate % 10.8
Total return to investors %
2010 8.2
2000-2010 annual rate 0.2
Rank Company 500
($ millions)
1 CVS Caremark 21 96,413.0
2 Kroger 25 82,189.4
3 Walgreen 32 67,420.0
4 Safeway 60 41,050.0
5 Supervalu 61 40,597.0
6 Rite Aid 100 25,669.1
7 Publix Super Markets 102 25,328.1
8 Whole Foods Market 273 9,005.8
9 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea 278 8,813.6
10 Winn-Dixie Stores 324 7,247.8
11 Ruddick 498 4,400.5
Issue date: May 23, 2011
Figures are for fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2010.
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200 Wilmot Rd.
Deerfield, IL 60015
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Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
New York 57
California 53
Texas 51
Company Rank
Microsoft 38
Goldman Sachs 54
Intel 56
Company 2010 $ (millions)
Exxon Mobil $30,460.0
AT&T $19,864.0
Chevron $19,024.0
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Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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