Wal-Mart rules the Fortune 500 for the second year in a row -- beating Exxon Mobil decisively. See the full list of America's largest corporations, including detailed company profiles. More
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It would be the world's second-biggest economy. See how big companies' sales stack up against GDP. more

KeyCorp's Beth E. Mooney joins a shrinking list of women running Fortune 500 companies.

New York and California are home to the most firms on this year's list. See the biggest companies near you. more
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See how one Fortune 500 corporation stacks up against others. More

Beyond iconic CEO Steve Jobs and acting head Tim Cook, the iPad and iPhone maker's talent bench runs deep. More
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The elusive Larry Page faces threats from Facebook and Apple as Google, no. 92 on the Fortune 500, looks beyond search. Watch
Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies | |
New York | 57 |
California | 53 |
Texas | 51 |
Company | Rank |
Microsoft | 38 |
Goldman Sachs | 54 |
Intel | 56 |
Company | 2010 $ (millions) |
Exxon Mobil | $30,460.0 |
AT&T | $19,864.0 |
Chevron | $19,024.0 |
FAQ and methodology
Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More