Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

7 of 500
7. Berkshire Hathaway
Berkshire Hathaway
Financials: Latest Results
Rank: 7 (Previous rank: 11)
CEO: Warren E. Buffett
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Just about every company in Warren Buffett's fold is firing on all cylinders and cash-flush Berkshire will likely make some big acquisitions in the future. But the Oracle of Omaha faces a few uncertainties ahead.

For one: It's still unclear if there will be an investigation into David Sokol, the former Buffett heir apparent who quit in March. His resignation followed revelations that Sokol bought shares of Lubrizol shortly before Berkshire's $9 billion bid for the company.

Also hazy: just how much exposure Berkshire's reinsurance operations have to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Luckily, Buffett keeps $20 billion in Berkshire's sock drawer to cover such unforeseen emergencies. --P.N.

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Is Berkshire Hathaway a great company, or what?
Key financials $ millions % change
from 2009
Revenues 136,185.0 21.1
Profits 12,967.0 61.0
Assets 372,229.0 —
Stockholders' equity 157,318.0 —
Market value (3/25/2011) 210,787.5 —
Profits as % of  
Revenues 9.5
Assets 3.5
Stockholders' equity 8.2
Earnings per share  
2010 $ 7.00
% change from 2009 52.7
2000-2010 annual growth rate % 13.8
Total return to investors %
2010 21.4
2000-2010 annual rate 5.4
Rank Company 500
($ millions)
1 Berkshire Hathaway 7 136,185.0
2 American International Group 17 104,417.0
3 Liberty Mutual Insurance Group 82 33,193.0
4 Allstate 89 31,400.0
5 Travelers Cos. 106 25,112.0
6 Hartford Financial Services 117 22,383.0
7 Nationwide 127 20,265.0
8 United Services Automobile Assn. 145 17,946.1
9 Progressive 164 14,963.3
10 Loews 168 14,621.0
11 Chubb 185 13,319.0
12 Assurant 285 8,527.7
13 American Family Insurance Group 358 6,491.8
14 Fidelity National Financial 398 5,740.3
15 Erie Insurance Group 461 4,890.0
16 W.R. Berkley 475 4,724.1
17 American Financial Group 489 4,497.0
Issue date: May 23, 2011
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Berkshire Hathaway
3555 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68131
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Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
New York 57
California 53
Texas 51
Company Rank
Microsoft 38
Goldman Sachs 54
Intel 56
Company 2010 $ (millions)
Exxon Mobil $30,460.0
AT&T $19,864.0
Chevron $19,024.0
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Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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