Dell's new blog boring as...Dell
News flash: Dell has a blog. News flash: It's boring as ... Dell. PR expert Steve Rubel says that Dell's new One2one blog reads like "a corporate brochure," with infomercial-like videoblog posts and jargon-filled reminiscences about the 10th anniversary of Dell's website. Here's a sample of the unreadable muck Dell has posted: "We ended up concreting the cow path." Say what?
While there's a long disquisition on Dell's PowerEdge servers -- of minimal interest to anyone who's not running a data center -- there's not a word on Dell's lousy customer service or its flaming laptops. On the Dell blog's comments, customers immediately started complaining: "This seems to be a failed attempt to get back in touch with the customers you have lost," writes one. "Where's Michael Dell? I don't see the point in blogging if the big guy isn't posting," says another. Time to send this website back to the recycling bin. Dell is not a good company Customer service suck and their product doesn't last two years.. they will go broke
: 11:12 AM Dell is no good. I understand people are always concerned about the bottom line: money. But maybe it's time to look past that and start to change our way of thinking. For the good of mankind and the planet, we need to refocus our thinking and start being a bit more philanthropic. Here's a good way to start: Shut down Dell, shut down Microsoft, stop all computer manufacturing except for Apple Macs and Sun Sparc machines, recycle all computers from those other companies, sacraficially destroy all exisiting copies of Microsoft software in existence, give everyone a Mac, and watch the world become a better place.
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