Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

36 of 500
36. Boeing
Financials: Latest Results
Rank: 36 (Previous rank: 28)
CEO: W. James McNerney Jr.
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Boeing's new plane continues to be a dream deferred: Its Dreamliner 787 was supposed to be ready in 2009, but should definitely be ready by the third quarter of 2011, according to the company.

Another concern: The Southwest plane forced to make an emergency landing in early April after a hole opened in the top of the aircraft was a Boeing 737. Analysts say that shouldn't much affect sales, though -- the kind of airplane that failed isn't made anymore.

Indeed, Boeing recently scored an important $30 billion contract to supply refueling aircraft to the Air Force, beating European rival Airbus. And investors seem happy: The stock is up some 20% year to date. --S.D.

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Is Boeing a great company, or what?
Key financials $ millions % change
from 2009
Revenues 64,306.0 -5.8
Profits 3,307.0 152.1
Assets 68,565.0 —
Stockholders' equity 2,766.0 —
Market value (3/25/2011) 53,999.9 —
Profits as % of  
Revenues 5.1
Assets 4.8
Stockholders' equity 119.6
Earnings per share  
2010 $ 4.45
% change from 2009 141.8
2000-2010 annual growth rate % 6.2
Total return to investors %
2010 23.7
2000-2010 annual rate 1.9
Rank Company 500
($ millions)
1 Boeing 36 64,306.0
2 United Technologies 44 54,326.0
3 Lockheed Martin 52 46,890.0
4 Northrop Grumman 72 34,757.0
5 Honeywell International 81 33,370.0
6 General Dynamics 86 32,466.0
7 Raytheon 104 25,183.0
8 L-3 Communications 159 15,680.0
9 ITT 217 11,155.0
10 Textron 233 10,525.0
11 Goodrich 337 6,966.9
12 Precision Castparts 409 5,539.6
13 Alliant Techsystems 472 4,807.7
14 Rockwell Collins 478 4,665.0
Issue date: May 23, 2011
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Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
New York 57
California 53
Texas 51
Company Rank
Microsoft 38
Goldman Sachs 54
Intel 56
Company 2010 $ (millions)
Exxon Mobil $30,460.0
AT&T $19,864.0
Chevron $19,024.0
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Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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