Robert Stadnik, 34, is confident in his job because he trained in a specialized field.
Location: Phoenix, Ariz.
Profession: Auditor
Tip: Train in a stable profession.
I am optimistic because: "I've been an auditor for seven years, and I feel my career is relatively recession-proof. My company laid off more than 5,000 people late last year, but auditors were unaffected as we are considered critical to our company.
Throughout my career, I've often received unsolicited job offers from other companies - and that's happened even more since our economy has gotten worse. But even during prosperous times, companies have a tough time finding qualified auditors. So I'm never wanting for a job.
I was hired for my current job in March 2006, and my income doubled. That month I bought a new car and for an anniversary that August, I purchased a new car for my partner. In 2007, we went on two cruises.
I've worked to get here. Auditing is a trade not taught in college. It's not something you can learn in school. I fell into the profession and developed my skills, earning my certification. Now even if my company went under, I have no doubt I'd be able to find a new one.
Don't stick your neck into the sand; be proactive. Get some training in a stable profession like health care. Network. Take action now: You never now what'll happen tomorrow."
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