5 of 25
5. Devon Energy
Devon Energy
Average total pay: $187,819
For: Engineer*
Best companies rank: 20

More than 50,000 people apply for jobs at this Oklahama City-based oil and gas producer every year, attracted by a rich package of pay and benefits that includes one of the strongest retirement plans in American business: Devon funds 401(k) plans with anywhere from 8% to 22% of pay, depending on employee match and how long they've worked there. Performance bonuses average more than 15% of pay.

Another attraction: the company's unrelenting emphasis on doing the right thing, expressed in a mission statement called "The Devon Way." The company promises employees: "We will not have hidden agendas and we will not manipulate people." Says one employee: "I feel it is an honor to work for a company with such a high standard of ethics and values."

NEXT: Alston & Bird

Last updated January 26 2010: 11:14 AM ET
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*Most common salaried job
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