33 of 40
33. Erin Burnett
Erin Burnett
Anchor, CNBC
Age: 33
Marital status: Single
Highest Education: Bachelor's degree

CNBC's feisty "Street Sweetie" is a household name among Wall Street watchers and a rising star at the cable network. During Wall Street's meltdown last fall, ratings for her Street Signs hit a record high as CNBC surged.

Now she's moving to deliver market news to more than just day traders: She explains the economic crisis on Meet the Press and guest-hosted NBC's Today in June.

Burnett, who started out as an analyst for Goldman Sachs, is staying in cable for now: CNBC has locked her up through 2011.

Power of persuasion: She got her break in TV after writing a "stalker letter" to then-CNN anchor Willow Bay.

NEXT: Ralph Gilles

Last updated March 26 2010: 10:26 AM ET
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Note: To be eligible for Fortune's 40 under 40, candidates had to be 39 or younger on Nov. 1, 2009.
List compiled by Alyssa Abkowitz, Maha Atal, Katie Benner, Scott Cendrowski, Lawrence Delevigne, Telis Demos, Jessi Hempel, Suzanne Kapner, Mina Kimes, Beth Kowitt, Jessica Shambora, Richard Siklos, Kim Thai, Christopher Tkaczyk and Jia Lynn Yang. Research by Marilyn Adamo and Doris Burke.
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